SCHOOL/COLLEGE: College of Culinary Arts
DEPARTMENT NAME: Culinary Arts, Providence Campus
TERM: Fall 2012
COURSE TITLE: Essentials of Dining Room
PROFESSOR NAME: Associate Professor Marc DeMarchena
OFFICE LOCATION: CCCE Building, 4th Floor, Room 414
OFFICE PHONE / TEXT: 401 - 837 - 5522 Best contact method
OFFICE FAX: 401 - 598 - 1856
PUBLIC FOLDER LOCATION: See ulearn class material
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday 3pm - 4pm, Room 414, Please make appointment
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students are introduced to front-of-the-house (FOH) operations and professional dining service techniques. Etiquette, quality service, positive guest relations, effective communication skills and guest check handling are emphasized. Students actively perform hot and cold food and beverage service using various service techniques. Students are prepared and take the Federation of Dining Room Professionals Associate Certification exam as an outcome assessment.
The student will develop the critical skills necessary to effectively perform table service in a foodservice establishment. Emphasis will be placed on etiquette and developing proficiency in performing basic dining room procedures.
CONTENT OUTLINE (see course guide on ulearn):
Day 1 Importance of the FOH; syllabus; introduction to F-O-H; role of FOH; class rules; uniform and grooming; operational aspects of dining room and lay out; identification and use of dining room equipment; safety and sanitation HACCP and chemicals; role of server; serving protocol, position numbers; behavioral skills and dining etiquette.
Day 2 Sequence of service; banquet service vs. à la carte; styles of service; sequence of service; water service; bread service; soup service; table setting; clearing technique; dessert service; S&S; dining etiquette; food allergies.
Day 3 F&B description; project assignment; menu types; cold beverage service; selling the menu; tray organization; salad service; tray use; hand skills; S&S: FOH chemicals and lifting; reciting the menu; order taking; check writing; anticipating guest needs; specialty flatware; marking the table; condiments; maintaining appearances.
Day 4 Buffet service; buffet equipment, buffet linen; reciting the menu; S&S: guest accidents, spillage, breakage and injuries.
Day 5 Hot beverage service; linen, entrée service and protocol platter service; S&S: server accidents, slips and breakage.
Day 6 Introduction to wine; wine service and tasting; relationship of environment to cost and service; food and wine pairing; specialty equipment and care; S&S: cuts and burns.
Day 7 Guest relations; guest expectations; guest complaints; reservations; S&S: guest special needs; FOH costs; S&S: server illness; pincing.
Day 8 Tea classifications; anatomy of a meal: ambiance, food, service and cost/value; casserole service.
Day 9 Written test, FDRP on-line test and practical test.
REQUIRED TEXT(S)/SOFTWARE to be purchased by students:
Service and the Art of Hospitality: Creating a Dining Experience, Johnson & Wales University.
Production 60%*
Homework 10%
Quizzes 10%
Final Test 20%
*Production: Total 60%
Personal Grooming/ Hygiene and Professionalism 9%
Mise en Place/ Time Management/ Application of Cognitive Skills 9%
Communications, Social Skills and Etiquette 9%
Use/Care/Sanitation of Tools/Lab Classroom/Equipment 9%
Applied Technical Skills 9%
Assessment of Applied Service Skills 15%
Campus specific information for explanations and copies are available in the following documents using the key search words; attendance and tardiness (catalog) attendance (student handbook)
Campus specific information for explanations and copies are available in the following documents using the key search words; outcomes assessment
Campus specific information for explanations and copies are available in the following documents using the key search words; Center for Academic Support
Students agree that by taking this course, required assignments may be subject to submission to Turnitin for detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the Turnitin reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of the Turnitin service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on the site.
Campus specific information for explanations and copies are available in the following documents using the key search words; Plagiarism (Student Handbook)
If a student is found responsible for cheating, plagiarizing or in any way compromising academic integrity, the student may be subject to both academic disciplinary action (including dismissal from class) and student conduct review action (up to and including dismissal from the university). For additional information refer to the Academic Misconduct section of the current student handbook.
Campus specific information for explanations and copies are available in the following documents using the key search words; Academic Misconduct (Student Handbook)
Each student at Johnson & Wales receives an email account and uses Microsoft Outlook Web Access, a Web-based e-mail program that allows students to access their e-mail through their web browsers. Students are required to use their Johnson & Wales email account for all university-specific communication.
Occupancy in class is limited to faculty, officially registered students, aides authorized by the Center for Academic Support, and invited guests approved by the vice president of academic affairs or the dean of the respective school, college or campus. No grade will be issued to any non-registered student in any course.
Campus specific information for explanations and copies are available in the following documents using the key search words; occupancy in class (Student Handbook)
In academic buildings, food and beverage consumption is limited to designated eating areas only. Under no circumstances are food and beverages to be consumed in classrooms.
Communication devices such as mobile telephones must be silenced (set to vibrate) during class time. For safety purposes, including emergency communication, devices such as mobile telephones may be left on during class time but disruptions to class due to communication devices will not be tolerated. Mobile communication devices should not be used during class time unless for emergency purposes.
Campus specific information for explanations and copies are available in the following documents using the key search words; dress and manners (Student Handbook)
The performance transcript identifies the practical skills associated with a student’s academic coursework; skills are graded as developing, validated, mastered, or not tested.
Dining Room Service: Student demonstrated prioritizing procedures and use of equipment for serving food and beverage in an à la carte environment.
Etiquette: Student demonstrated prioritizing procedures and behavioral norms for serving guests in a dining room environment.
Campus specific information for explanations and copies are available in the following documents using the key search words; performance transcript
An honors option is offered through this course. By Day 2, interested students should contact the faculty member to discuss what will be required. Students must obtain the required paperwork from the University Honors Office.
Campus specific information for explanations and copies are available in the following documents using the key search words; unit of credit (Catalogs)
Note that official academic grades can be accessed via jwuLink. Grades maintained in the ulearn course management system are for tracking purposes only and may not reflect all of the criteria considered when calculating a student’s final grade.
Reference Text: Federation of Dining Room Professionals Dining Service