Monday, December 20, 2010

4030 WInter Break Assignment Due Tuesday the 4th of January

Please complete the assignment for our next lecture class. I think it will offer an alternative way to learn about Northern Italy, especially if your traveling.

Cheers and Happy Holidays!
Mr. D


Monday, December 13, 2010

Welcome Second Segment Am & Pm 1325 Classes in View 211

Good Day Ladies and Gents,

Congratulations on finishing the 1st  culinary lab of the tri! I want to welcome you to your next class – Essentials of Dining Room.  My name is Mr. DeMarchena and I look forward to meeting you on Thursday morning. I will be in the Room 211 in CCCE at 1:00 Pm and we will begin class at 1:30pm. Feel free to come into the room and get comfortable with your new classroom.

Please be sure that your dining room uniform is complete. Your shoes should be shined and your uniform should be well pressed. Your uniform should include the front of the house apron, a corkscrew, 2 pens and a small notepad for taking guest food orders. Please bring your “Service and the Art of Hospitality” textbook. I’ll give you some handouts tomorrow in class.

During the class, presentations and hand outs will be available to you on my “cloud”. Just click on the link and you can begin reviewing material or printing handouts. Our class information is in the 1325 Folder. Please print all handouts for day 1 (they have the number 1 at the beginning of their title)

Please take a look at this site. It will be how all assignments will be relayed. Please leave a comment after you visit:

Mr. D

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

4030 Tuesday 12/7/2010 Assignment for Thursday

Good Day Ladies and Gents,

Based on our walk thought the eastern Mediterranean this afternoon, please complete a single page that the key points about the Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Armenia and Georgia.

Key points may be important wine styles, grape varietals, appellations and any unique viticultural or vinicultural detail. Think of fit as you are completing research about what you might want to represent on your wine list from these countries.

 I'll see you on Thursday
Mr. D

Sunday, December 5, 2010

1365 CE week 1 assignments

Wines tasted:

Maker   Vintage   Grape  Origin  Alcohol %

  1. Main street winery   2008  sauvignon blanc  monterey county 13.5%
  2. Sutter Home Family Vineyards 2008 White Zinfandel California 9.5%
  3. Gallo Family Vineyards 2007 CABERNET SAUVIGNON Sonoma county 13.8%
  4. Sutter Home Family Vinyards  2009 Moscato California 10%

It was a pleasure working with you this weekend. Please prepare the following items for next weeks class:

1. Complete the following Handouts:
       Coffee Break 2009
       Coffee Service
       Wine service pg 2

Prepare for Quiz on  coffee and espresso, wine service, wine tasting, the key components of quality wine.

Review wine service and how red service is different from white.
Please print the State maps handouts

Next weeks Agenda:

WIne service practice
WIne Sales
Wine service practice
WIne service practical