Thanks for a great day of service today. I know it was tight getting the room ready, but you all did well with the pressure. Your service skills are improving.
1. Complete the check writing quiz. Using the hand out, apply the information to a dupe pad and then a guest check. Please follow the format on both tools as was demonstrated in class. Please turn this assignment in this Monday. Ill post the hand out to my mobil me cloud.
2. Complete an evaluation of your day serving. Provide 3 positives and 3 opportunities for improvement about your service from today. If you worked a non-serving job, you can use your last day of service as what you are evaluating. Please email this to me or blog it or turn it in on paper, your choice.
3. Please be prepared to describe Chef Kelly's main menu items. Be prepared to answer a question about App, soup, salad or entree (don't worry about starch or veg) for Mondays role call.
Feel free to contact me if I can assist in any way
Mr. D
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