Wednesday, September 16, 2015

JBREW Meeting 9/18/15

Happy Brew Year, folks!
JbreW will have its first meeting this Friday in Room 111 (Brew Lab) around 1 PM.  If you know of any students that are interested, and who may have missed us at Student Activities night, please let them know. Now, just to share...

Top 5 JbreW Myths:
  1. MYTH - Students have to be 21 to join JbreW
    1. TRUTH - Any JWU student, faculty or staff member can join and participate!
  2. MYTH - JbreW only cares about beer and brewing
    1. TRUTH - We also make (non-alcoholic) sodas, and delicious meads, and are adding CHEESE to our line-up of tastings and trips this year.
  3. MYTH - JbreW members are mad brewing fanatics in big rubber boots
    1. TRUTH - We only wear rubber boots when we're brewing, and it's really more of a  'boot- optional' time anyway.  We also do more than just make beer, like field trips, guest speakers, and so on.
  4. MYTH - Being a JbreW member takes a lot of time and money
    1. TRUTH - JbreW never charges dues, we meet no more than a few times a month, and we have no mandatory meetings or required particpation.  Come as you are, when you can, if you feel like it. :)  Stay all day or for just a few minutes.
  5. MYTH - (THE BIG ONE) JbreW sells it's beer to Coors; that's why their name is on the equipment.
    1. TRUTH - YES, I have actually heartd this during tours.  Not only is this incredibly illegal (Bootleggers, anyone?) but Coors spills more beer in a day than we produce all year.  Our brews are sent out to competitions (and we've won a BUNCH of awards so far) and sent to storeroom for distribution for curriculum.  We also serve it at several events throughout the year, like Emeril this weekend.
So thank you all for helping to spread the word.  Come find us this Sunday at the Emeril event and taste some of our meads and our fabulous Braggot (Mead/Ale hybrid) called Smoky Bear!

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