Please complete the assignment for our next lecture class. I think it will offer an alternative way to learn about Northern Italy, especially if your traveling.
Cheers and Happy Holidays!
Mr. D
A blog to support the teachings at the College of Culinary Arts at Johnson & Wales University! A little collaboration to see what we can learn from each other.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Welcome Second Segment Am & Pm 1325 Classes in View 211
Good Day Ladies and Gents,
Congratulations on finishing the 1st culinary lab of the tri! I want to welcome you to your next class – Essentials of Dining Room. My name is Mr. DeMarchena and I look forward to meeting you on Thursday morning. I will be in the Room 211 in CCCE at 1:00 Pm and we will begin class at 1:30pm. Feel free to come into the room and get comfortable with your new classroom.
Please be sure that your dining room uniform is complete. Your shoes should be shined and your uniform should be well pressed. Your uniform should include the front of the house apron, a corkscrew, 2 pens and a small notepad for taking guest food orders. Please bring your “Service and the Art of Hospitality” textbook. I’ll give you some handouts tomorrow in class.
During the class, presentations and hand outs will be available to you on my “cloud”. Just click on the link and you can begin reviewing material or printing handouts. Our class information is in the 1325 Folder. Please print all handouts for day 1 (they have the number 1 at the beginning of their title)
Please take a look at this site. It will be how all assignments will be relayed. Please leave a comment after you visit:
Mr. D
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
4030 Tuesday 12/7/2010 Assignment for Thursday
Good Day Ladies and Gents,
Based on our walk thought the eastern Mediterranean this afternoon, please complete a single page that the key points about the Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Armenia and Georgia.
Key points may be important wine styles, grape varietals, appellations and any unique viticultural or vinicultural detail. Think of fit as you are completing research about what you might want to represent on your wine list from these countries.
I'll see you on Thursday
Mr. D
Based on our walk thought the eastern Mediterranean this afternoon, please complete a single page that the key points about the Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Armenia and Georgia.
Key points may be important wine styles, grape varietals, appellations and any unique viticultural or vinicultural detail. Think of fit as you are completing research about what you might want to represent on your wine list from these countries.
I'll see you on Thursday
Mr. D
Sunday, December 5, 2010
1365 CE week 1 assignments
Wines tasted:
Maker Vintage Grape Origin Alcohol %
It was a pleasure working with you this weekend. Please prepare the following items for next weeks class:
1. Complete the following Handouts:
Coffee Break 2009
Coffee Service
Wine service pg 2
Prepare for Quiz on coffee and espresso, wine service, wine tasting, the key components of quality wine.
Review wine service and how red service is different from white.
Please print the State maps handouts
Next weeks Agenda:
WIne service practice
WIne Sales
Wine service practice
WIne service practical
Maker Vintage Grape Origin Alcohol %
- Main street winery 2008 sauvignon blanc monterey county 13.5%
- Sutter Home Family Vineyards 2008 White Zinfandel California 9.5%
- Gallo Family Vineyards 2007 CABERNET SAUVIGNON Sonoma county 13.8%
- Sutter Home Family Vinyards 2009 Moscato California 10%
It was a pleasure working with you this weekend. Please prepare the following items for next weeks class:
1. Complete the following Handouts:
Coffee Break 2009
Coffee Service
Wine service pg 2
Prepare for Quiz on coffee and espresso, wine service, wine tasting, the key components of quality wine.
Review wine service and how red service is different from white.
Please print the State maps handouts
Next weeks Agenda:
WIne service practice
WIne Sales
Wine service practice
WIne service practical
Monday, November 29, 2010
Welcome 4030 Classical European Wines & Spirits
Now that the Turkey is done.......
Good Day Ladies and Gents,
Welcome to Classical European Wines cul4030! I hope you had a great break and are looking forward to getting back to class. We will be meeting in room 405 in the CCCE Building on the Harborside Campus at 1:40. You'll need an ID to get into the building and feel free to use the north elevators on the 1st floor to get you to the 4th floor.
I am including a link to my public folder (mobile me cloud not the JWU public folder). Please go to the 4030 folder to week one and print the 4 documents found inside (syllabus, icebreaker, trimester plan, project). Of course you can print these easily at the computer center in the HAC building directly across from CCCE.
Public folder link:
please see your JWU email for the password
We will also use a blog in class as a place to list wines tasted and stay up to date on assignments. It is called the Salty Dog Academy and can be found at this link:
This site is shared with other classes I teach, so always look in the headings for your class number 4030!
My preferred contact method is by phone. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you might have - 401 837 5522. I just think its faster and better serves you the customer!
If you have never been to the Harborside campus give yourself some extra time to work out the parking and getting familiar with this campus.
I'll look forward to meeting you tomorrow!
Cheers, Mr. D
Good Day Ladies and Gents,
Welcome to Classical European Wines cul4030! I hope you had a great break and are looking forward to getting back to class. We will be meeting in room 405 in the CCCE Building on the Harborside Campus at 1:40. You'll need an ID to get into the building and feel free to use the north elevators on the 1st floor to get you to the 4th floor.
I am including a link to my public folder (mobile me cloud not the JWU public folder). Please go to the 4030 folder to week one and print the 4 documents found inside (syllabus, icebreaker, trimester plan, project). Of course you can print these easily at the computer center in the HAC building directly across from CCCE.
Public folder link:
please see your JWU email for the password
We will also use a blog in class as a place to list wines tasted and stay up to date on assignments. It is called the Salty Dog Academy and can be found at this link:
This site is shared with other classes I teach, so always look in the headings for your class number 4030!
My preferred contact method is by phone. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you might have - 401 837 5522. I just think its faster and better serves you the customer!
If you have never been to the Harborside campus give yourself some extra time to work out the parking and getting familiar with this campus.
I'll look forward to meeting you tomorrow!
Cheers, Mr. D
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Quiz on Wednesday
The labels from the wines tasted on day 2 are at the accompanying link
Day 2 Wines
My tasting notes can be downloaded from this link
Tasting Notes
Day 2 Wine Notes
Monday, November 8, 2010
Day One 3090 - homework assignment
Please research the grape you chose in class today. Be prepared to discuss color, key aromas and flavors based on climate. Additionally please provide information about the wine styles the grape is most often associated. If possible highlight some key regions in the world you might find this grape.
Mr D
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Welcome 3090 Segment 5 of tri 1 2010
Welcome Ladies and Gents to Oenology,
We'll be getting together on Monday in the CCCE building in room 405 at 7am. Please insure that your uniform is rocking! Please arrive Clean, Ironed and ready for wine!
Please print the 70 page wine notes, syllabus, reading assignment and project. We'll need these in class.
Please complete day 1's reading assignments for Monday morning. This should take you about 30 minutes.
I look forward to seeing you on monday! CHEERS, Mr. D
We'll be getting together on Monday in the CCCE building in room 405 at 7am. Please insure that your uniform is rocking! Please arrive Clean, Ironed and ready for wine!
Please print the 70 page wine notes, syllabus, reading assignment and project. We'll need these in class.
Please complete day 1's reading assignments for Monday morning. This should take you about 30 minutes.
I look forward to seeing you on monday! CHEERS, Mr. D
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Day 7 Final Assignment - 100 things
100 things Restaurant Staffers should never do (part 1) New York Times
100 Things Restaurant Staffers Should Never Do (Part Deux) New York Times
Monday, November 1, 2010
Day 6 11.1.10

Please use the wine evaluation sheet from todays tasting to complete this assignment. Please create a "sales" oriented script to sell two of the wines we tasted today. Please describe a white and red. Consider that sight, aroma and flavor are powerful tools to capture guests interest when selling food and beverages. Please bring into class tomorrow typed on a single page.
We will have a quiz on day 5 and 6 lecture and reading material first thing in the morning. Practical testing will begin tomorrow.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Day 5 10/28/10
Thanks for a great day of service today. I know it was tight getting the room ready, but you all did well with the pressure. Your service skills are improving.
1. Complete the check writing quiz. Using the hand out, apply the information to a dupe pad and then a guest check. Please follow the format on both tools as was demonstrated in class. Please turn this assignment in this Monday. Ill post the hand out to my mobil me cloud.
2. Complete an evaluation of your day serving. Provide 3 positives and 3 opportunities for improvement about your service from today. If you worked a non-serving job, you can use your last day of service as what you are evaluating. Please email this to me or blog it or turn it in on paper, your choice.
3. Please be prepared to describe Chef Kelly's main menu items. Be prepared to answer a question about App, soup, salad or entree (don't worry about starch or veg) for Mondays role call.
Feel free to contact me if I can assist in any way
Mr. D
Monday, October 25, 2010
Day 2 Monday 10/25/10
Good Day Ladies and Gents,

Nice job with day 2 today! I know we covered a lot but I thought you all took it in pretty well. Set up, service and clean up went well for your first time.
Please complete your guest checks from today by adding the pricing and totaling them according to the tri-fold handout's info. Please bring that check to class tomorrow.
In addition, if you could email me a quick written description of your favorite food item. Imagine you are selling it to your best guests. We will use this in class to discuss selling the menu.
Most of you have set up your front summit account, thanks!! If you still need to please complete the new account set up at front summit.
See you tomorrow!
Mr. D
Nice job with day 2 today! I know we covered a lot but I thought you all took it in pretty well. Set up, service and clean up went well for your first time.
Please complete your guest checks from today by adding the pricing and totaling them according to the tri-fold handout's info. Please bring that check to class tomorrow.
In addition, if you could email me a quick written description of your favorite food item. Imagine you are selling it to your best guests. We will use this in class to discuss selling the menu.
Most of you have set up your front summit account, thanks!! If you still need to please complete the new account set up at front summit.
See you tomorrow!
Mr. D
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
1st Class assignment - Due by Monday 10/25/10
ASSIGNMENT: Go to and open an account in your name. When it asks for a site code, use the one mr. D gave you in class!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Welcome Segment 4 - 1325 Essentials of Dining Service

Congratulations on finishing the 3rd culinary lab of the tri! I want to welcome you to your next class – Essentials of Dining Room. My name is Mr. DeMarchena and I look forward to meeting you on Thursday morning. I will be in the Cintas dining room in HAC at 6:30 am and we will begin class at 7am. Feel free to come into the room and get comfortable with your new classroom.
Class assignments will be forth coming on this site, check it regularly!
Cheers, Mr. D
Friday, October 15, 2010
2nd and final homework assignment for 1365 - - DUE MONDAY
1365 Spirits Training Assignment
This assignment is to assess your research and writing skills for training a staff member about a specific spirits category. Please complete this assignment for Monday’s class. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Please pick one spirit from these spirit categories: Vodka, Gin, Rum, Tequila, Scotch, Irish Whiskey, Canadian Whiskey, Bourbon, Brandy, Pisco
Write a brief 3 paragraph explanation about this spirit category. Details discussed might include some points about its history, how it’s produced, the keys to its quality levels and the most popular brands of this category.
Search out a cocktail and mixed drink recipe for this spirit category. Write the recipe and its method of preparation into this paper.
Develop and explain a creative way for bartenders and servers to market or sell this drink to guests. Write a short script for staff to say that can increase the sales of a particular drink or brand of this spirits category!
Good Luck!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
1365 Day 4 10/13/2010
Today's Assignment
Please use the cocktail and mixed drinks hand out to prepare for the next four days of Mixology practice. You mission should you choose to accept it, gather the information necessary to complete the drink grids. All the detail is found in your text as was discussed in class! This is due for Thursdays class!
Mr. D
handout available at link
Please use the cocktail and mixed drinks hand out to prepare for the next four days of Mixology practice. You mission should you choose to accept it, gather the information necessary to complete the drink grids. All the detail is found in your text as was discussed in class! This is due for Thursdays class!
Mr. D
handout available at link
Thursday, October 7, 2010
1365 Day 2 Wine Service and Sensory Evaluation
Welcome to Day 2 - After reviewing some of the key points of yesterdays Coffee and Barista lessons we explored WIne Service. The class practiced white wine service after working our way through the wine service lecture. Make sure you can tell the difference between Fixed and Focal points while presenting wine to the right person. We tasted four wines for our sensory evaluation session:
1st Article Review: We handed out the 1st article review due for next Wednesday. This is a podcast article review. Please select a podcast from Grape (see link), listen and complete a single page article review!
- Dancing Bull 2008 California Sauvignon Blanc
- Sutter Home 2009 California White Zinfandel
- Frei Brothers 2007 Sonoma Merlot
- VYA Sweet Vermouth by Andy Quady
1st Article Review: We handed out the 1st article review due for next Wednesday. This is a podcast article review. Please select a podcast from Grape (see link), listen and complete a single page article review!
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